Alliance Membership
The Alliance is owned by the governments of its member nations, which have the ultimate decision-making power within the organization on all matters, including policy, financial or membership issues. Member-States govern the Alliance through the General Assembly which makes all major decisions for the organization.
Alliance Membership is open to all. Per its voluntary membership process any Country and State/Province may join and become a member of the Alliance. Under the the Alliance Charter, Member-States have no obligation to make any monetary contribution and their obligations are to :
(i) comply with the Alliance Charter, Regulations and Decisions of the Alliance;
(ii) supply, data required for the proper implementation of the Alliance initiatives, duties and objectives within their respective territories;
(iii) enter into a Master Framework Country Convention and Host Site Agreement and;
(iv) support at least one (1) specific Alliance Venture and/or PPP Project in order to finance the Alliance Initiative in their territory.
Fully-Fledged Member
The Alliance Fully-Fledged Member State status are granted to Member States of the United Nations that are in good standing, that have signed the UN Millennium Declaration, that adhere to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Program and that are not in conflict or subject to suspension by the U.N or under International Sanction.
Associate Member
The Alliance Associate Member status are granted to Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) that do not have an associated governmental status.
Alliance Associate Members have no voting rights at the General Assembly meeting, however, they may obtain the right to speak or to provide recommendations to the General Assembly that, if accepted may result in declarations or resolutions of the General Assembly.
Observer Member
The Alliance Observer Member status are granted to Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
Alliance Observer Members have no voting rights, nor can they submit recommendations, however, they may obtain the right to speak at the General Assembly meeting.
Allianc Member-States
Today, the Alliance counts 34 Fully-Fledged Member-States who collectively own and determine Alliance policies.
The Alliance 3 Founding Member-States
Le Royaume du Maroc 5/29/2007
The Dominican Republic 5/4/2007
La République du Niger 5/7/2007
The Republic of Zambia 6/9/2007
The Republic of Uganda 7/30/2007
République de Guinée 8/3/2007
La République du Bénin 9/24/2007
The Republic of Panama 9/24/2007
La République du Sénégal 10/31/2007
La République du Burkina Faso 12/24/2007
La République du Togo 12/31/2007
La République de Centrafrique 1/25/2008
La République de Côte d’Ivoire 2/3/2008
The Republic of Chile 5/8/2008
The State of Rio Grande do Norte 5/30/2008
The State of Gauteng 7/17/2008
La République du Congo 8/20/2008
La République d’Haïti 9/29/2008
La République de Madagascar 10/5/2008
The Republic of Liberia 10/21/2008
The Republic of Costa Rica 10/30/2008
La République Démocratique du Congo 12/16/2008
La République du Tchad 2/14/2009
La République du Burundi 3/25/2009
The Autonomous Community of Catalonia 5/17/2009
The Republic of Rwanda 9/7/2009
The Republic of Ghana 7/7/2010
La République du Mali 5/30/2011
La République Tunisienne 12/17/2012
Antigua and Barbuda 9/29/2012
The Republic of Sierra Leone 2/25/2013
The Republic of Yemen 7/30/2013
République de Guinée Bissau 9/27/2013
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh 11/17/2019
Alliance Academies
Academies are modern preparatory schools and sports and training centers dedicated to young student-athletes aged 14-18. They will be built on the territory of our Member-States, will feature proprietary and standard education programs affiliated with local schools, a dorm with sleeping quarters, a cafeteria and a campus with professional training and medical facilities.
Integrated in each Academy will be a modern stadium with lane tracks, runways with international-standard pits, press boxes with the ability to broadcast live and large video display screens. The stadium will be available for private rental and will serve as the home venue for competitions, games and track field programs.
Alliance Games
Alliance Games are competitions organized annually on campus or at the national stadium of the Member-State in partnership with schools, sports organisations and federations to identify and select top talent within specific fields.
Competitions will offer a range of challenges in sports and education designed by the Academy in cooperation with Ministers of Education and Sports, schools, sports groups, national sports movements and federations in each Member-State and at the international level.
The only requirements for participants will be to be between 14-18 years old and be citizens of one of our Member-State to participate.
Academy Scholarships
For each competition, the Academy will select up to 25 winners in targeted fields to become ambassadors of the Academy and their country and to receive full scholarships in the Academy.
Scholarships will include full access to academic and athletic programs, lodging, meals, clothing and living budget until the age of eighteen (18). Students will be able to choose from various scholarship terms and visit their homes at the end of the academic year, semester or during weekends.
At the end of their scholarship, student-athletes will compete against all other Academies. Winners will receive scholarships at the International Academy or at any public or private accredited school of their choice until they reach the age twenty one (21).
The Process
1. Thematic Selection
The Academy in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports and its partners, selects education and sports thematics as the focus of the Alliance Games.
2. Distribution of Programs
Academy programs and rules of the Alliance Games are distributed via local and regional schools, clubs and federations.
3.Call for registration
Alliance Games are launched giving 100 days for participants across all territories to prepare and register for the competitions.
4. Announcements
Participants are announced. They are provided access to a private learning and management portal. Their profiles are made public.
5. Competitions
Participants meet at the Academy with their friends and family. The competition is public and broadcasted live.
6. Award Announcement
Winners are announced. Podium ceremony. Fan-tokens are issued.
7. Scholarship selection
Student-athletes chose between scholarships. The Academy prepares its student-athletes for their new journey.